Purpose and Duties
Purpose and Duties of LMO/IAA
- The LMO/IAA handles administrative matters for the USFJ employees such as recruitment, furnishing, labor management, wage, welfare and health in order to secure the workforce for the U.S. Forces stationed in Japan
- Main duties of the LMO/IAA are as follows:
- Labor Management : Duties related to recruitment, furnishing, labor management, etc. of the USFJ employees
- Labor Wage : Duties related to computations of wage, retirement allowances, travel expenses, etc. of the USFJ employees
- Labor Welfare : Duties related to award, educational and cultural activities, furnishing uniforms and protective clothing, etc. of the USFJ employees
What are USFJ Employees?
United States Forces are stationed in Japan in accordance with the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty. "The USFJ employees”are employees who are hired by the GOJ (Minister of Defense) for the purpose of accomplishing the mission of the USFJ and work on the USFJ facilities.
About 25,000 USFJ employees are now working throughout Japan to support the activities of the USFJ. The workforce covers a wide range of positions necessary to operate the USFJ facilities such as from clerks, technicians, firefighters and security guards to waiters,waitresses,cooks and sales clerks.
Relationship between the Administrative Organization of the GOJ and the LMO/IAA

- The Governing Official : Minister of Defense.
- Administrative work will be conducted in cooperation with the MOD.
Administrative Basic Principles and Action Guideline for the Officers and Staff
Relationship among the GOJ(MOD), the USFJ, the LMO/IAA and the Employees

- MLC : Master Labor Contract
- Contract concerning the USFJ employees who work at the headquarters or units of the commands.
Jobs ;
Accounting Clerk, Heavy Vehicle Driver, Forklift Operator, Engineering Technician, Security Guard, Fire Fighter, etc.
- MC : Mariner's Contract
- Contract concerning the USFJ employees who work on the noncombatant ship.
Jobs ;
Master, Chief Engineer, etc.
- IHA : Indirect Hire Agreement
- Agreement concerning the USFJ employees who work at the mess halls or the exchange services, etc. in the USFJ facilities.
Jobs ;
Sales Clerk, Cook, Waiter/waitress, etc.